Sistem Pencatatan Dan Pelaporan Surveilans Infeksi Nosokomial Di RS Premier Surabaya

  • (1) * Miftakhul Janah            Universitas Airlangga  

  • (2)  Santi Martini            Universitas Airlangga  

  • (3)  Hari Basuki Notobroto            Universitas Airlangga  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Nosocomial infection is infection that occur in patients who are hospitalized. One of infection control programs  is the surveillance activities.  Refer to the Instructions Practical Hospital nosocomial infections Surveillance by the Ministry of health  (2011)  that computer usage in surveillance activities will help increase the efficiency of data collection and analysis. The propuse of this study is to develop recording and reporting nosocomial infection surveillance system. Methods: this study type is action research with  system development life cycle (SDLC) methods , the stages of SDLC is planning, analysis, design, implementation and usage. The instruments used in this study by creating an  DFD,ERD,  data dictionary and continued with the development of applications using PHP and mySQL. Data collection through interviews and observations. The study results in the form of web-based applications further tested using the method of Technology Accepatnce Mode (TAM). Keyword: Nosocomial infection surveillance, recording and reporting, system development, rs premier surabaya

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